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Wild Wadi Dubai – Jumeirah Sceirah | Extreme Trapdoor Waterslide Onride | Teddynage

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Jumeirah Sceirah

The new Jumeirah Sceirah is now open! It’s longer, scarier and twice the fun!

With two tandem slides, guests first climb the 32 meters tower and enjoy a spectacular view of the entire waterpark. Once on top of the tower, two capsules await for two guests to ride on at the same time.

Just like the old Jumeirah Sceirah, guests must cross their arms and legs as the doors of the capsules close, unaware of what awaits them. The feeling of anxiety and anticipation rushes through them as the countdown begins.

You are here: HomeDubaiWild Wadi Dubai – Jumeirah Sceirah | Extreme Trapdoor Waterslide Onride | Teddynage

Before they know it, the floor beneath them opens and both guests slide down the 120 meters slide at an astonishing speed of 80 km/h! In a few seconds, guests reach the bottom of the slide with a rush of excitement!

The text and picture was taken from official websites

Music: Y&V – Lune [NCS Release]