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Went Dubai for watching Avengers Endgame in Dolby Cinema | April 2019 @Marvel Entertainment

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When in 2017, trailer for Infinity War premiered I was mind blown. As huge marvel fan, I looked how to watch it in best possible experience. And found that Dolby Cinema and IMAX are best options. But this cinemas are not in my state. Dolby not even in India.

It was not possible to see Infinity war, but I was firm that I would watch Endgame in best screen I could afford. So year later I booked tickets for Dubai to see Endgame in Dolby Cinema and tour Dubai with my friend and his family. Now Dolby Cinema is in Reel Cinemas inside Dubai mall which consists of overall 21 screens in total. In whole Asia there is Dolby Cinema in Dubai and China. So Dubai was good option.

I tell you what it was experience of a lifetime for me. Dreams do come true. We also got exclusive Poster for Endgame being among first thousand people to watch movie. We watched on 24 April 3 days before everyone and I cried like baby because of stark. We again went to see it in IMAX on main day of global release. And one more time in my city in Hindi.

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Anyways thanks for watching my experience. Hope you enjoyed it!