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Trip to Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo | Kids saw Sharks, Penguins, Giant Crab, Sea Urchin

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Take a look at the beautiful sea creatures , fishes , animals they have at the Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo . They have Sharks , Dory , Nemo , Penguins , Lobster , Jelly Fish , Glass fish , Cat fish , Cuttle Fish , Sea Turtle , Giant Crabs , Sea Urchin and so many more ..
Chasing the sharks was so much fun . And there was this really slow moving fish . My mother got so scared of the Giant Crabs .
Watch all these in my video and hope you enjoy watching it .
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#underwaterzoo #seacreatures #sharks

You are here: HomeDubaiTrip to Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo | Kids saw Sharks, Penguins, Giant Crab, Sea Urchin