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Top 4 Most Visited Entertainment Destination in the World | Global Village – Dubai, UAE

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#GlobalVillage #Dubai #PreCovid

We all miss the pre-pandemic era on how we used to freely roam around without having to do any social distancing and eat our hearts out on a food trip without any precautions. Travel and tourism has changed forever.

While it is a blessing for the environment if we all traveled less, but globalism, having spread from person to person for so long, cannot be reversed. Cultural curiosity cannot be expunged.

You are here: HomeDubaiTop 4 Most Visited Entertainment Destination in the World | Global Village – Dubai, UAE

Dubai’s Global Village has surely raised the bar over the years to ensure that they continue to deserve the place amongst the world’s leading entertainment destinations.

Are you amongst the 90 million guests who have visited the Dubai Global Village since its opened its doors in 1997? I surely hope one day many could still visit this leading multi-cultural festival park and world-class attraction as it offers plenty for every member of the family.