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Top 10 Largest Aquariums in the World

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You may have aquariums in your home and like the fishes keep in them. Keeping Fish tanks is also one of my hobbies too. But do you know about the world’s largest fish tanks that are constructed to make a natural living environment for the fishes. In this video I bring to you the Top 10 World’s Largest Aquariums some of which has water volume of over 2 Million Gallons and preserving numerous organism and endangered species of ocean. If you want to check any of these aquariums listed below click on the timestamp against it.

10. Aquarium of Western Australia 0:46
9. Shanghai Ocean Aquarium 1:32
8. uShaka Marine World 2:06
7. Monterey Bay Aquarium 2:43
6. Turkuazoo 3:39
5. L’Oceanografic 4:22
4. Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium 5:00
3. National Aquarium 5:44
2. Dubai Mall Aquarium 6:29
1. Georgia Aquarium 7:14

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