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Theme Park IMG Worlds of Adventure Dubai / Тематический парк IMG Worlds of Adventure в Дубае

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In English
In each zone, you will meet your favorite characters and enjoy exciting attractions. Take a ride on the monorail under the roof of the park or visit the labyrinth with vampires and zombies! Trying a descent on a roller coaster at a speed of 100 km/h or shooting at enemies with Hulk will be an incredible experience!

По русски
Парк разделен на несколько тематических зон: герои Марвэл, вселенная мультфильмов Cartoon Network, парк динозавров Lost Valley и уютный Бульвар IMG с кафе, ресторанами и магазинами

You are here: HomeDubaiTheme Park IMG Worlds of Adventure Dubai / Тематический парк IMG Worlds of Adventure в Дубае