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Spice Souk & Market in Dubai, UAE | Review

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Today i visited the Spice Souk in the old-time commercial heart of Dubai called, Deira. Wandering through the narrow alleyways of this very old market is a fascinating journey into the world of color and aroma. Every stall has mounds of different kinds of spices including traditional medicinal products, incense and even rose petals. This is a no frills attached kind of a place and is starkly different from the Dubai of today but totally worth a visit.

Also introducing my travel insider Andrea Bailey in this vlog. A seasoned travel professional, check out Andrea’s website

***TRAVEL VLOG 018***

I have been a traveller for more than a decade now but life always takes over, or, maybe we like to think so….i got busy just travelling, travelling and errr…just travelling. And along the way…at some point i had my child – a rockstar of a boy…and then i got busy being a ‘travel-mom’…but something always was a constant – my ‘travels’. My passion of exploring and loving the world, learning and experiencing new cultures, cuisines and meeting new people had become something that i could not just contain within me. I had to share it, make it the bigger picture and document it. Moush Travels is a labor of my love for the world coz i believe that we should all Live, Love, Explore!


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