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Sheikh Zayed Mosque // Abu Dhabi 2017

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Abu Dhabi is the capital city of the UAE. We spent the day in Abu Dhabi as it is only a 1.5hr drive from Dubai. Our day trip included lunch at the Le Vendome restaurant at the Emirates Palace. We then spent our afternoon exploring the white marble structure of the Sheikh Zayed Mosque and watched the sunset through the pillars.

Traditional Dress: When visiting the Mosque, women are required to be covered head to toe. This is out of respect. In the travel diary, I am wearing a traditional Abaya which is a black over-garment covering my whole body. Men are not required to be covered head to toe when visiting the mosque, but traditional dress for men includes wearing the traditional Emirati attire which includes the Kandura-an ankle-length white shirt.

Kygo feat. Conrad Firestone Instrumental

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Beautiful Islamic Call to Prayer (This music is played periodically at the Mosque and The Dubai Mall)

Date visited: 28/11/17