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No entry fee to visit Ras al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary l House of flamingos l Tourist place in Dubai

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Hello Friends,

Happy Friendship day to all the viewers and subscribers of the channel and also new folks who are visiting the Channel. Happy Sister’s day too.

Welcome back to our channel, today’s video is about, This nature preservation area with mangroves & lagoons is home to a large population of flamingos.
Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary is located at the junction of the E44 (Al Khail Road/Ras Al Khor Road) and the E66 (Dubai – Al Ain Road). There are no Dubai Metro stations nearby. Taxis are a good option to get there. Free car parking is available.

Look closer among the mass of pink feathers and you might spot grey herons, great egrets, reef herons, cormorants, black-winged stilts, sandpipers, osprey and so much more. Unfortunately presently we can only see pink and white flamingos.

Entry fee : Ras al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary Entry free.

Parking : Parking slot available for free

Restroom : Restroom is available

Safety : Wear mask, Wear hand – gloves to enter inside

Instructions : As reach Ras Al Khor Wildlife sanctuary, you will park in the available spot, need to wait for your turn to enter inside due to covid precautions. when you reach 1st parking slot, then its your time to visit inside to see Flamingo. You can watch flamingo for 10 to 15 minutes due to covid safety and number of visitors arriving the place.

You are here: HomeDubaiNo entry fee to visit Ras al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary l House of flamingos l Tourist place in Dubai

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Best time to visit :
One of the best times to visit is at flamingo feeding time; roughly 10 am and 4 pm each day. Migratory birds can be seen in the winter months. There is no entrance fee or tickets.

Closed on : Friday & Saturday

Feeding time : Morning 10 am of Dubai Time & Evening 4 pm of Dubai time.

thanks for your support & Bless you all
His daily bread kitchen – Dubai

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#flamingodubai #flamingofeedingtime #flamingovisitingtime

NOTE : There is big project is about to come close to flamingo lake. Hopefully in coming months, we can still have better look of flamingo.

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