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Leisure Drive to Dubai Pebble Stones Beach | Al Mamzar Beach Park | Jetski Berths | Marina | 4K HDR

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Mid-day leisure drive to Dubai Pebble Stones Beach at Al Mamzar Beach Park – Mamzar Beach is a renowned sandy beach among Dubai’s open public beaches. With an area of 5 hectares that connects Dubai to Sharjah and stretches for 3 km without entrances or gates, the beach forms an enchanting extension to Mamzar Park, which includes vast green areas that offer recreational, sports, and tourism activities.

Jet Ski – in Dubai is endless enjoyment in zipping around the bay, dodging from waves, and speeding around the several spectacular sights. All in all, you will have a thrilling jet ski Dubai experience at Mamzar Beach, spectacular views, and also witness the lovely seacoast.

You are here: HomeDubaiLeisure Drive to Dubai Pebble Stones Beach | Al Mamzar Beach Park | Jetski Berths | Marina | 4K HDR

Pebble stones – are found on beaches and inland where there was sea once. The size of the pebble stone is smaller than the actual stones. The diameter ranges from 2 to 10 millimeters. Pebble stones are formed when water hits the giant rocks in the rivers and lakes. The soil at the edges is responsible for the color of rocks. The original form of stones is raw, but the current in the flow of water polishes the stones naturally