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Kosher Paella

Use code with caution.

I made a paella tonight, and Googled ‘paella recipes’ to check a few things. I stumbled upon a recipre that totally blew me away. The list of ingredients mentioned ‘kosher salt and pepper’. A few items later, it mentions ‘Chorizo.’ Now, as far as I know, kosher-ness means no pork. And chorizo is a red sausage made almost entirely from pork.

Confused, I was. So I Wikipedia’ed the hell out of the subject. It seems the term ‘kosher salt’ is used more or less exclusively in the USA to refer to coarse-grained sea-salt, because it can draw more blood out of meat than common-or-garden salt. (Might write a book sometime about a Jewish vampire). So the kosherosity or not is a complete misnomer.

You are here: HomeAl Mamzar Beach ParkKosher Paella

Just sayin’.

Here’s the recipe, obviously by someone who has never been close to the real thing.