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Jumeirah Mosque, St Mary's Church, Hindu Temple and Gurudwara Dubai| Dubai Religions | UAE Religions

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The living Jetsetters bring you a special episode where we visit a Mosque, a Hindu temple , a Church and a Gurudwara in a single day. Dubai , indeed is a tolerant city where all faiths and religions peacefully co exist. It is a testimony to the leadership of UAE and Dubai.
The places we visited were
1. The Jumeirah Mosque in Jumeirah
2. The Hindu Temple in Burdubai
3. St Mary”s Church in Oud Metha
4. The Gurudwara in Jebel Ali.

If you want to see us make such videos,Do let us know in the comments below. Please do Like, Share and Subscribe.

Host : Meryl Joe Colaco
Editing and Camerawork : Deebash Thakurathi

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