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'It's a very big torture': the children growing up in hiding in Dubai | Katie McQue

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With sex outside marriage punishable by jail, migrant workers who become pregnant are often forced to keep their babies locked away

A sweltering, windowless room in an old district of Dubai, no more than 5 metres by 3 metres in size, is home to nine people from the Philippines. Eight are adults, working long hours in low-paid jobs so they can send money home to their families. The ninth is a six-year-old boy.

You are here: HomeAl Mamzar Beach Park'It's a very big torture': the children growing up in hiding in Dubai | Katie McQue Updated for 2023

His name is Jerry and he shares a tiny bed with his mother, Neng. Jerry loves dancing, Peppa Pig and doughnuts. This small dark room is the only home he has known, as he’s spent his life in hiding as a stateless child. Growing up without a birth certificate or any other identification means he has no access to education and has never visited a doctor. Officially, this little boy does not exist.

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