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In Town – Hassan Nasser Fawaz – Fawaz Investment Group

جولة على أبرز المطاعم والمقاهي والملاهي والمنتجعات والفنادق والأنشطة والفعاليات التي ننصح المشاهدين بزيارتها، بالاضافة الى جديد الأسواق اللبنانية من منتوجات و مستحضرات.

You are here: HomeYoung Arab LeadersIn Town – Hassan Nasser Fawaz – Fawaz Investment Group

In Town is an agenda style show to help people choose a destination to visit inside Lebanon: restaurants, pubs, nightclubs, resorts, activities and hotels, in addition to promoting new products and materials in the Lebanese markets.
#Hotels, #Restaurants, #Markets, #Activities