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Flying eagle point of view #8 (Overflying The Burj Al Arab in Dubai)

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Our most exciting video to date! The eagle takes off in the Freedom ‘Eagle Drone’ and then descents, at speeds close to 200 kilometers per hour, towards the falconer on the Burj Al Arab helicopter platform in preparation for #flyburjkhalifa

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Eagle POV images shot 100% with Sony ActionCam:

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About us:
Freedom is a game-changing conservation movement that seeks to protect and reintroduce threatened birds of prey through creative conservation methods, and generate global publicity for the cause.

Founded by world renowned falconer Jacques-Olivier Travers and developed in cooperation with conservationist Ronald Menzel, Freedom is centered on an exceptional breeding facility in Thonon, France. It is here that Jacques-Olivier teaches birds of prey born in captivity to hunt and fly by skiing, kayaking and paragliding with them. They can then be reintroduced to nature with much better chances of survival and reproduction than with the traditional “hacking” method.

Freedom’s methods are filmed and have subsequently harnessed global media attention. By creating this unique & compelling content, Freedom seeks to engage a new generation of conservationists, catalyzing popular support for the protection of nature worldwide.