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Fire works 31st night 2020 (new year 2021) | DUBAI FESTIVAL CITY | UAE | VLOG 11 | 021

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Date – December 2020
Location – Dubai Festival City | UAE

A modern business and entertainment area, Dubai Festival City centers on a massive mall of the same name, home to international fashion and furniture brands, global food courts and a cinema complex. Upmarket hotels on Dubai Creek host major conferences, and have stylish European restaurants with city skyline views. The annual Festival of Literature is popular for workshops and poetry readings.

This is amazing fire works in front of DFC mall and above the Creek canal. There are 2 fire works at 2100H and 0000H. From 1900H onwards there are illuminated water fountains at every 30 mins.

Location map –

Video and photo captured:
Canon EOS M50
Gopro max

Video and photo editing:
Adobe Premiere pro 2019
Adobe Photoshop CC 2019
Google Earth Studio

You are here: HomeDubaiFire works 31st night 2020 (new year 2021) | DUBAI FESTIVAL CITY | UAE | VLOG 11 | 021

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