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Dubai Spice Souk (سوق التوابل‎) or the Old Souk is a traditional market or souk in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

This was visited by hundreds of tourists every day because it is one of historical place in Dubai which is now a modern city.

Since before, when I first experienced riding in Abra, i told myself i want to return to try it again.
But the first time I roamed around the old souq to take some photos, I told myself, I will return to this place to make a short video. I love talking to people working there, they are kind and very much happy about the products they are selling. They love cameras as well. They may even asked you to take photos of them. This is a very nice place. You will see different kinds of SPICES, and Manmade Bags, Shoes, Pashmina. You can see also some antique items. Nowadays if you think of Dubai, it is a modern city with tall buildings in different shapes BUT this place was PRESERVED for more than 50 years.

Come and see this video and after that, I encurage you to try to go to this place.

***Special thanks to people in Dubai Spice Souk who are very cooperative to make this video a nice one to attract more tourists.
Thanks also to my two friends and buddies in photography. Thanks to kuya Bot for music suggestions. Thanks to Sir Paul for reviewing and encourage me to enhance text part background. Thanks to my instructor in videography. Thanks to my beloved husband, my first critic and fan😍. Thanks to my short experience in theater guild in making short stories in short time. Most of all, thanks to God who is the author of my life and the One who gives me everything that I have. This video is exclusively dedicated to Him.

This is a non-profit video.

You are here: HomeDubaiDUBAI SPICE SOUK SHORT FILM 2018

Please bear with me to those people that was included in this video as part of my intention to make this place look more hospitable to tourists from around the globe. Whenever you want yourself be excluded in this video, just send me a message and I will revise my work.
Thank you so much.

Cinematography: Edz
Photography: Edz
Concept & Storyboard: Edz
Video Editing: Edz
(consists of 76 frames of photos and videos)

Camera used: Canon EOS 750D, 10-18 mm uwa lens
Mic: Boya

Arabian Nightfall – Doug Maxwell / Media Right Productions

Brief History: