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Dubai House Hunters | Mamzar Beach | Filli Tea | Dj Yashi Vlogs Mix | Vlog #175 🇦🇪😉👪

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This video is about Dubai House Hunters | Mamzar Beach | Filli Tea | Dj Yashi Vlogs Mix | Vlog #175 🇦🇪😉👪

Hey, guys, we are back with any another vlog but today’s vlogs is something different a bit I can say since we want to share with you guys our hunt regarding our new house in Dubai so we thought why don’t we show it to you guys as well. We had a busy day but all that boosted up us was the morning walk, the best tea in Dubai Filli and the refreshment at the Mamzar beach that was the game changer…..

I hope you guys like it as well

Soon I will be having a LIVE chat with you guys, Ya sooner I will let you guys know the DATE N TIME

Hey Guys thank you so much for your support and love

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You are here: Home • Dubai • Dubai House Hunters | Mamzar Beach | Filli Tea | Dj Yashi Vlogs Mix | Vlog #175 🇦🇪😉👪

Thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys on the next vlog, Till then take care and keep smiling always.


Yash ( Dj Yashi Vlogs MIx )

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