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Dubai Creek Tower – 1300m+ Tall Building! – World's Tallest Building – 2018 Construction Update

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In 2016, Dubai had announced that it would be building what would be the world’s tallest tower, to set another record for the city that is already home to the highest skyscraper – the Burj Khalifa. The 1300m mega-tall tower will be completed by 2020. The Tower is being constructed on the Dubai Creek Harbor, which boasts panoramic views of the Dubai skyline as well as the creek. The Tower is a joint venture between Emaar Properties and Dubai Holding, the investment vehicle of the emirate’s ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum.

As of feb 2018 the core of the pile cap has now reached its highest point. and it is more than 50% complete, with completion scheduled for mid-2018.
and above ground work will begin in couple of months.

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