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Dubai Christmas 2021 | Madinat Jumeirah Christmas Market 2021 | Dubai Tourists Attraction

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Madinat Jumeirah in Dubai is one of the most visited and beautiful locations in Dubai, This video is a walkthrough of Madinat Jumeirah during Christmas 2021, Exploring the Beautiful Christmas Market and celebrations Inside the Madinat Jumeirah with Authentic Restaurants, Christmas Tree and the beautiful Burj Al Arab right beside the Madinat with beautiful water canals and palm trees, the Vibe of Madinat Jumeirah (also known as the Little Venice of Dubai) has reached the next level in this festive season of Winter Wonderland Dubai 2021.

The souk at Madinat Jumeirah which means Arabian Bazaar (market) Experience the Traditional and Antique collections of the Arabia covered in another video of this channel – Link :

Madinat Jumeirah Dubai consists of four super-de-luxe hotels, the Souk Madinat shopping center and a large number of restaurants and cafes where you can enjoy a drink during the day and especially in the evenings. The entire place is in traditional Arabic style with beautiful water canals and palm trees.

Madinat Jumeirah is a destination within a destination with the 7 star Hotel Burj Al Arab in the back drop and some of the worlds most luxurious hotels & resorts Jumeirah Al Qasr, Jumeirah Mina A’Salam and Jumeirah Al Naseem, alongside a cluster of traditional summerhouses at Jumeirah Dar Al Masyaf and seven grand homes at Jumeirah Malakiya Villas.

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