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Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo | Penguin Cove | Dubai Fountain Show | Dubai Tourist Attraction

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Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo with Penguin Cove :Rs 1520/-

Dubai, U.A.E- The video shows the Largest Acrylic Panel Aquarium in the largest shopping mall, The Dubai Mall. Aquarium boasts a number of dangerous sharks on display along with host of sting rays and other species. Lot of people just enjoy it from outside (free), costs over 100 dirhams for inside tour. The tour also includes underwater zoo with various species of fishes on display.

Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo is now home to 16 Antarctic Gentoo penguins. They can be found in the newly reopened ‘Penguin Cove’, which has been adapted with smart technology to mimic their natural habitat, around the Antarctic Peninsula.

The Penguin Cove is purpose-built and temperature-controlled to ‘simulate the natural Sub Antarctican environment of the Gentoo Penguin’. The enclosure has plenty for the penguins to explore, and even a slide.

You are here: HomeDubaiDubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo | Penguin Cove | Dubai Fountain Show | Dubai Tourist Attraction

The Dubai Fountain is the world’s largest choreographed fountain system set on the 30-acre man made Burj Khalifa Lake, at the centre of the Downtown Dubai development in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This spectacular fountain package is 246 ft long and shoots water up to 500 ft into the air accompanied by a range of classical to contemporary Arabic and world music.

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