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DEWA Sent Me An Email

Use code with caution.

…about the impending closure of Al Safia Service Centre. At dirst I misread this as Al Safa, which used to be my lifeline whenever they cut me off because I’d forgotten to pay them. But then I read further on in the email that the closest alternatives are Al Twar and Burj Nahar. I could be giving DEWA the benefit of the doubt here, because they never did believe people lived on the Dubai side of the Creek – that’s where the power stations are.

Whatever. I was deeply amused by the footer of the message, which I reproduce here for your entertainment:

You are here: HomeAl Mamzar Beach ParkDEWA Sent Me An Email

Our Vision: A recognized World-Class Utility
Our Mission: Meeting customer satisfaction and promoting Dubai’s vision through delivering water & electricity services by a competent workforce at world-class level of reliability, efficiency, safety and environment, supporting Resources Sustainability.

They still haven’t returned my deposit.