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Dance performance by Delisha D'souza at Children's City, Dubai, UAE #dancer #dance #delishadsouza

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Dance Performance by Delisha D’souza at Children’s City, Dubai, UAE.

Choreography by Ms.Pragati (Pragatis Dazzling Divas)

Hello and welcome to my Learning World!

I’m Delisha D’souza. I am 7 years old.

My interests are Reading, Dancing, Singing, Art & Craft and so much more!

On this channel, you’ll see me perform activities based on my interests. I really hope you enjoy watching my videos 🙂

If you do enjoy watching them, please drop a like, subscribe to my channel and share my channel with your friends.

I’d really appreciate it if you do so 😀

You are here: HomeDubaiDance performance by Delisha D'souza at Children's City, Dubai, UAE #dancer #dance #delishadsouza

If you want to see me reading English story books, click the link down below 👇🏻

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Thank you
Delisha 🙂

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