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Best Restaurants in Dubai | Top 10

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Best Restaurants in Dubai | Top 10
Discover which are the best places to enjoy a luxurious meal in Dubai!
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I know you love traveling and enjoying the finest things life has to offer, so we’ve taken care of the troublesome task to finding the Best Restaurants in Dubai for you!

If you’re visiting Dubai this year, you surely have the budget needed to experience this amazing city at its fullest. This place is jammed with plenty high-end restaurants and gourmet cuisines from all around the world.

Easily the best eating-out place in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai has grown to become this hot-spot for the super-rich and celebrities that look to try new things and for whom the budget is not a problem.

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On average one will spend at least $500 per person for a fine dinning experience in this luxurious city.

Here is the Top 10 Best Restaurants in Dubai and how much it will cost you to eat there not including drinks: