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Aquaventure Waterpark Dubai – Trapdoor Waterslide – The Poseidon's Revenge

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Trapdoor waterslide at Aquaventure Waterpark in Dubai, the most scariest and craziest extreme waterslide ever ‘ the ‘ Trapdoor Water Slide ‘ also known as AquaLoop Slide or the Looping Rocket Slide is where you take your place in a launch chamber standing with feets crossed and hands across your chest. Soon the chamber door close the countdown starts, the trapdoor under your feet opens and immediately you are being launched in high speed dropping down a vertical slide from a 20 meter high platform. You accelerate to 60 kilometers per/hour in just 3 seconds after the freefall in the tube and the heart thumping ride ends in fast 5 seconds in the pool after the launch.

Trapdoor Waterslide – The Poseidon’s Revenge at Aquaventure Waterpark in Dubai

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