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A Village Near Dubai | Hatta Heritage Village 2022 | Does Hatta Have a Village ?

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Earlier this summer we took a visit to Hatta, and spend an hour at the Heritage Village, which you can see in this video.

Restored in 2001, Hatta Heritage Village is one of the oldest villages in Dubai. Visitors can capture a glimpse of how life was back at that time, and learn about the clothing, furnishing, weaponry, artefacts and more from the past.

The Village is home to forts, towers and citadels and all are fascinating for those interested in history.

One of the main attractions is the house of the local ruler of the time. You can head inside and see the bedrooms, children’s rooms, kitchen and courtyards.

The museum in the village displays traditional Emirati utensils, dresses, weapons, musical instruments, handicrafts and artwork. There are life-size figurines of the tribesmen as well.

All material used for the reconstruction was almost the same as the material used to originally build these structures. Many efforts have been made to ensure the authenticity of the village has been maintained.

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