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ये है दुबई का सबसे बड़ा गुरुद्वारा | Biggest Sikh Temple In Dubai

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ये है दुबई का सबसे बड़ा गुरुद्वारा | Biggest Sikh Temple In Dubai

In June 2010, foundations were laid for the Guru Nanak Darbar with all Sikh ceremonies. The-unimaginable has happened. Guru Nanak Darbar was to rise from the sands of Dubai, making it the first ‘official’ Sikh temple in the whole of Gulf. A historic moment for Sikh community. Now there would be a Gurdwara for solemnizing marriages and holding other religious ceremonies. One can’t surpass the Golden Temple but efforts were to build one of the most modern Gurudwara in the world. The dream of the Community was to make it the best after Golden Temple in Amritsar. The Temple was to be the sacred marker of the faith, its repository and its most concrete symbol. It was the permanent spiritual home of the Sikhs. A place where all might gather to worship the One True God.
It took two years for the architectural firms to give shape to the three storied structure built over 12, 5000 sq. ft. Construction work of Guru Nanak Darbar was started from May 2008 and got completed in December 2011. No compromise was made in its construction. The contractor was told that the Community wanted a 100-year guarantee for the building for the future generations to utilise it.
On 17th January 2012, the largest Gurudwara of Gulf region was declared open for over 50,000 devotees in UAE. The Guru Nanak Darbar is a multi-storey facility spread over 100,000 sq.ft building area located at the T- Junction of two large accessible roads. The opulent building was worth every fil or the cent of the 65 million Dirhams or over 20 Million US Dollars spent on it. It was indeed a historic moment for Sikh community. Sikhs now would be able to go to the Gurudwara for special prayers. The Spiritual void had been filled as now Sikhs had a Gurudwara where they could pray. That was graceful gesture from UAE and signaled the beginning of a new chapter in the relations between Sikhs and UAE government.

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